3 effective ways to make sure everyone is heard

One thing the last year has shown me is just how difficult it can be to find an opening to say something in online meetings. Waiting in vain for a pause, taking the plunge only to find that the person speaking hasn’t finished after all or that another member of the group has had […]
Feelings of a non-native speaker

One of my most embarrassing moments came when I’d been in Germany for a year or so. In the middle of a disagreement, a friend of a friend mentioned something annoying I’d done a couple of weeks previously – ancient history for a twenty-year-old. So to show that I found it hard to understand […]
Emails – Done is better than perfect!

Here’s a question for you (though perhaps not one you want to hear 😉 ): How many emails have you got sitting in your inbox waiting for a reply at the moment? And if you take a closer look: Why haven’t you replied yet? If I think about my own inbox, there are two very […]