12 April

3 things you can still do in the 48 hours before a conference call

Posted in getting ahead
3 things you can still do in the 48 hours before a conference call

As far as their stressfulness for non-native speakers goes, there’s not much that beats conference calls. Unfamiliar accents, incredibly rapid speakers, mumbling, unknown vocabulary – these factors can make any meeting a challenge. If on top of that you can’t see the other participants, things become much more difficult. There are no facial expressions or […]

12 March

Standing up for yourself and your ideas

  In November, I wrote about the disadvantages of not playing a full role in meetings. After reading the article one of my clients said: ‘I know I need to play an active role. And I try to. But sometimes the others just ignore me. What can I do and say then?’ Good question. And a […]

5 February

Five types who give small talk a bad name

Five types who give small talk a bad name

Hiding in the toilets or pretending to make an urgent phone call – these are just two of the strategies for avoiding small talk that people have shared with me over the years. What should actually be an enjoyable experience is all too often seen as – at best – a necessary evil. If you […]