6 questions for reviewing your progress

From time to time on your language learning journey, it makes sense to check how much ground you’ve covered so far and whether you’re still on track. Are you making the progress you hoped for? Are you still motivated or beginning to flag? This article provides six questions to help you take stock. And it […]
Plan to succeed

You can take steps to improve your English at any time of the year, of course. And circumstances – a new job, new responsibilities, a planned trip – may well lead you to do just that. But what if there’s no real reason, you just feel generally dissatisfied with your language skills? Or perhaps you’ve […]
5 sentences guaranteed to stop you improving your English

This is a blog post I really enjoyed writing. It made me look more closely at beliefs about and attitudes to learning English. So I’m very happy to republish it as part of Heide Liebmann’s advent blogparade Oldies but Goldies. A great idea! When people hear that I’m English and that on top of that […]