Do I really have to go out to dinner with them?

That’s a good question. And one I’m often asked. Off the top of my head I can remember the following cases: “We’re hosting the European sales meeting this year. And, of course, we’re all supposed to be going out for dinner every evening. It’s not as if I’m really needed – the rest of the […]
Don’t stand so close to me

A few years ago I was at a conference with trainers from all over the world. During a break as I was standing around, sipping my coffee and feeling slightly lost – I knew hardly anyone – I was joined by a woman. We introduced ourselves and started chatting about the sessions we’d been […]
Negative feedback – different strokes for different folks*
Have you ever given a colleague from another country some critical feedback and then been surprised by their reaction to it? Perhaps they even asked you for your opinion and then seemed taken aback by what you had to say. The reason could be the style in which you gave your negative feedback. One size […]