31 August

What your English boss or colleague is really thinking

When it comes to expressing criticism, the English don’t exactly have a reputation for telling it like it is. 😉  A pretty indirect style of communication with lots of downgraders (a little, slightly, sort of) and understatement helps to soften the blow … and can obscure the message completely. Here’s a light-hearted look at what you might […]

11 April

Disagreeing politely and constructively

Posted in staying on track

Recently I was talking to Mark, a friend of a friend from England, and we got onto one of my favourite topics: the  differences between the English and the Germans. 🙂 One thing he said was “Germans really like to argue, don’t they?” He went on to describe a meeting he’d attended where two German […]

3 April

What it can sound like when the English disagree

You must be joking! Rubbish! Nonsense! Oh, come off it! After you’ve given an opinion, you may hear any one of those from an English friend or a colleague you know well. And, of course, the message is completely clear: your friend or colleague disagrees with you. Now imagine that you express your opinion or make […]