22 March

Clarity from the very beginning

Posted in for trainers
Clarity from the very beginning

  I guess we’re all familiar with the expectant, slightly tense atmosphere at the beginning of a workshop or seminar. The participants are often unsure what exactly awaits them during the day(s) ahead. Perhaps they’re forming their first impressions of you as a trainer. If they don’t know each other yet, they may be wondering […]

3 October

What you can do to become a better listener

Posted in staying on track

When people come to me for English training it’s almost always because they want to speak English more fluently. Usually they say something like “I understand most of what people say, the problem is answering.” They want to increase their vocabulary, be able to find the right words faster and gain confidence in speaking the […]

3 October

Asking questions to make sure you’ve understood

Imagine you’re listening to a colleague in a meeting. Gradually you realize that she’s beginning to lose you. You don’t understand exactly what she means, perhaps because you’re struggling with the vocabulary. Or you may have the impression that other members of the group are confused by a word she uses. Or maybe you feel that […]