17 December

5 sentences guaranteed to stop you improving your English

Posted in getting ahead
5 sentences guaranteed to stop you improving your English

This is a blog post I really enjoyed writing. It made me look more closely at beliefs about and attitudes to learning English. So I’m very happy to  republish it as part of Heide Liebmann’s advent blogparade Oldies but Goldies. A great idea!   When people hear that I’m English and that on top of that […]

16 July

The perfect alibi – Reading crime fiction

Posted in getting ahead
The perfect alibi – Reading crime fiction

“The door was the first thing. The door was open. The front door was never open …” Nicci French: The safe house Why is the door open? What’s going on here? What’s going to happen next? After the first two and a half sentences of the book my imagination is already racing and I’m hooked. […]

9 January

Eliminate these seven errors for better English emails

Posted in getting ahead
Eliminate these seven errors for better English emails

  Over the years I’ve noticed that there are some mistakes which crop up time and time again in emails. Although these errors don’t usually prevent the recipient from understanding what is meant, they do prevent the sender from making a really good impression. So why not eliminate them?   Can you spot the mistakes? I’ve […]