3 effective ways to make sure everyone is heard

One thing the last year has shown me is just how difficult it can be to find an opening to say something in online meetings. Waiting in vain for a pause, taking the plunge only to find that the person speaking hasn’t finished after all or that another member of the group has had […]
Getting tough – without getting nasty

– Every month, colleagues at your company’s other locations send you their headcount figures, so that you can compile a report for the whole of Europe. One particular colleague never sends her figures on the agreed date, you always have to send her a reminder. – A colleague discovered some information which you’re […]
Aargh! What have I done?

There’s nothing like pressing the send button to immediately reveal a mistake in your email. One that you’re sure wasn’t there a minute ago. Suddenly you notice that you’ve sent 20 colleagues a tasty-sounding pasta recipe (or worse 🙂 ) instead of the monthly sales figures. Or autocorrect has changed the name of an important […]